It can be hard to decide which budget Roomba is best for your needs. Do you want the Roomba 670 with its longer battery life, or the Roomba e5 with its stronger suction? To help you make a decision, we’ve put together a comparison of the two models. Read on to find out which budget Roomba is best for you.

Roomba 670 

When it comes to robotic vacuums, the Roomba is definitely one of the most popular brands out there. And the Roomba 670 is one of the latest models from the company, so it definitely has a lot to offer. Here’s a look at some of the key features of the iRobot Roomba 670 that make it worth considering.

One of the most notable features of the Roomba 670 is that it features iAdapt 2.0 Navigation. This is a significant upgrade from the previous iAdapt navigation that was used in older Roomba models. Essentially, this new navigation system allows the Roomba 670 to map out your home and plan the most efficient cleaning path. As a result, you can expect a much more thorough clean when using this vacuum.

Another key feature of the Roomba 670 is that it comes with a virtual wall barrier. This is a great way to keep the vacuum from going into certain areas of your home, like a room that you don’t want it to clean. You can also use the virtual wall barrier to create a virtual “no-go” zone for pets or children, which can be very useful.

Roomba e5 

The Roomba e5 is one of the latest robotic vacuums from iRobot. It’s a great vacuum for homes with pets, as it has special features designed to deal with pet hair. It’s also good for homes with allergies, as it has a high-efficiency filter.

One of the best things about the Roomba e5 is that it’s very affordable. It’s also very easy to use, as you can just press a button and let it do its thing. The Roomba e5 does a great job of cleaning, and it’s very quiet too.

Compare Roomba 670 and Roomba e5

The Roomba 670 and the Roomba e5 are two of the most popular robotic vacuum cleaners on the market. They both have their own unique features and benefits. So, which one is the better vacuum cleaner?

The Roomba 670 is the better vacuum cleaner for people who have pets. It has a special feature that allows it to remove pet hair from carpets and upholstery. It also has a self-adjusting cleaning head that helps it to clean different types of floors.

The Roomba e5 is the better vacuum cleaner for people who have allergies. It has a special HEPA filter that traps allergens and dust particles. It also has a self-cleaning brush roll that helps to remove dirt and debris from your floors.

iRobot Roomba 670 Vs Roomba e5

Design Compare

The design of your Roomba will have a big impact on how well it cleans your floors.

The Roomba 670 has a sleek, modern design that will look great in any home. It’s also very slim, so it can easily maneuver under furniture and into tight spaces. The Roomba e5, on the other hand, has a more traditional design. It’s not as slim as the 670, but it’s still very compact and easy to maneuver.

Both the Roomba 670 and Roomba e5 have sensors that help them avoid bumping into furniture and other obstacles. However, the Roomba 670 has edge-detection sensors that allow it to clean right up against walls and in corners. The Roomba e5 does not have these sensors, so it may miss some dirt and debris in these areas.

Mapping & Navigation Features

When it comes to mapping and navigation features, there are a few key differences between the Roomba 670 and the Roomba e5.

  1. For starters, the Roomba 670 uses infrared sensors to map out your home, while the Roomba e5 uses an optical sensor. This means that the Roomba 670 is better at detecting obstacles and mapping your home’s layout.
  2. Additionally, the Roomba 670 can create a virtual wall to keep it from going into certain areas of your home, while the Roomba e5 cannot.
  3. Finally, the Roomba 670 comes with a remote control so that you can manually control it, while the Roomba e5 does not.

Cleaning Features 

2 of the most popular options on the market are the Roomba 670 and the Roomba e5. So, how do these two models stack up when it comes to cleaning your floors?

When it comes to cleaning power, both the Roomba 670 and the Roomba e5 do a great job. The Roomba 670 has a powerful motor that can handle even the toughest dirt and debris, and the Roomba e5’s brushless extractors are designed to be gentle on your floors while still getting them clean.

Both vacuums also come with a self-cleaning brush system, so you don’t have to worry about hair and debris getting tangled up in the brushes. And, both models have sensors that help them avoid obstacles and furniture, so they can clean your floors without damaging your belongings.

Roomba 670 Vs Roomba e5

Smart Features 

In this part, we’ll compare the smart features of the Roomba 670 and the Roomba e5.

The Roomba 670 has a few smart features that the Roomba e5 doesn’t have. For example, the Roomba 670 can be connected to your home’s Wi-Fi network. This allows you to control the Roomba 670 with your smartphone or tablet. You can also use the Roomba 670’s app to schedule cleanings, check the status of the Roomba, and more.

The Roomba e5 does have some smart features, but not as many as the Roomba 670. For example, the Roomba e5 can be controlled with your smartphone or tablet. However, you can’t connect the Roomba e5 to your home’s Wi-Fi network. This means you can’t use the Roomba e5’s app to schedule cleanings or check the status of the Roomba.

Customization Features 

Both of these models offer a variety of customization features that allow users to tailor the cleaning experience to their specific needs. So, what are the key differences between the Roomba 670 and the Roomba e5 when it comes to customization?

One of the key differences is that the Roomba 670 offers a higher level of customization when it comes to scheduling. Users can schedule the Roomba 670 to clean up to seven times per week, whereas the Roomba e5 is only able to be scheduled for up to four times per week. This means that the Roomba 670 is better suited for people who have a more hectic schedule and need their robotic vacuum to be able to clean more often.

Mopping Features

If you’re looking for a robot vacuum to help clean your floors, the Roomba 670 and Roomba e5 are two of the most popular choices. Here’s a look at their mopping features to help you decide which one is right for you.

The Roomba 670 has many features that distinguish it from other robots on the market. It has a detachable mulching head that can be used for hardwood or laminate floors, and it also has a standard suction power adapter.

The roomba e5 is another popular robot vacuum cleaner. Like the Roomba 670, it has a detachable mulching head that can be used on hardwood or laminate floors. It also comes with a power adapter and a crevice tool.

Both robots have strong suction power and are capable of cleaning large areas quickly. They both have a wide dirt bin capacity and are easy to clean. However, the irobot670 has a slightly longer battery life than the roomba e5.

Roomba 670 Vs e5: Which one should you buy? 

The Roomba 670 is the more affordable option, and it comes with a few features that the Roomba e5 lacks. For example, the Roomba 670 has a built-in dirt detector, which will cause the vacuum to work harder on areas that are dirtier than others.

The Roomba e5, on the other hand, is the more powerful option. It has a higher suction power and a longer battery life. It also comes with a virtual wall, which can be used to keep the vacuum cleaner in certain areas and out of others.

So, which one should you buy? If you’re looking for a powerful vacuum cleaner that can handle dirt and debris, then the Roomba e5 is the better option. However, if you’re looking for a more affordable option, then the Roomba 670 is the way to go.

Roomba 670 Vs Roomba e5


After reading this article, you should now have a better understanding of the two budget Roomba options available to you. The Roomba 670 is a great choice if you’re looking for a powerful and affordable option, while the Roomba e5 is a great choice if you’re looking for a more eco-friendly option. Ultimately, the best choice for you will depend on your specific needs and preferences.