The Roomba i3+ and the Roomba i4+ are two different models of the popular robotic vacuum cleaner, with both of them being released in the year 2018. The article will discuss the differences and similarities between them.

iRobot Roomba i4+

iRobot Roomba i4+ is a powerful and efficient robot vacuum cleaner. It has a three-stage cleaning system that can loosen, lift, and suction dirt, dust, and hair from your floors. And it has a few new features, including a self-emptying dustbin and a more powerful motor. It also has improved navigation and can clean an entire level of your home. And it has a few different cleaning modes, including a spot clean mode and a deep clean mode. It also has a special edge cleaning mode for getting into tight spaces. The i4+ is compatible with the iRobot HOME app, which lets you schedule cleanings and monitor the vacuum’s progress.

iRobot Roomba i4+

iRobot Roomba i3+

The iRobot Roomba i3+ is a robotic vacuum cleaner that has been designed to make cleaning your home easier than ever. The iRobot Roomba i3+ also comes with a number of other features that make it an excellent choice for anyone looking for a robotic vacuum cleaner.It features intelligent navigation and can clean your floors quickly and thoroughly. Plus, it comes with a self-emptying base, so you don’t have to worry about emptying the dustbin.

Compare Roomba i4+ and i3+

iRobot Roomba i4+ and iRobot Roomba i3+ are two of the most popular robotic vacuum cleaners on the market. Both offer a number of features that appeal to consumers, but there are also some key differences between the two models.

One of the most notable differences is in terms of price. The iRobot Roomba i4+ is the more expensive of the two models, retailing for around $250. The iRobot Roomba i3+ is the cheaper model, retailing for around $200. Another key difference is in terms of battery life. The iRobot Roomba i4+ has a longer battery life than the iRobot Roomba i3+, meaning that it can clean for longer before needing to be recharged.

As well, there are some similarities between them. About features, the iRobot Roomba i4+ and iRobot Roomba i3+ both offer a number of features that are appealing to consumers. Both models come with a self-emptying dustbin. However, the iRobot Roomba i4+ also offers an advanced dirt detection system that can identify areas that are particularly dirty and focus on cleaning them more thoroughly. In terms of cleaning performance, the iRobot Roomba i4+ and iRobot Roomba i3+ both offer excellent cleaning performance. 

Roomba i4+ vs Roomba i3+: Design

When it comes to design, the Roomba i3+ and Roomba i4+ are very similar. Both feature a sleek, black and grey design with a dustbin located at the top. However, there are a few key differences to note. For starters, the Roomba i3+ is slightly smaller and more compact than the Roomba i4+. Additionally, the Roomba i3+ lacks the LED display that is featured on the Roomba i4+.

Roomba i4+ vs Roomba i3+: Mapping & Navigation

When it comes to mapping and navigation, there are a few key differences between the Roomba i4+ and the Roomba i3+.

There are a few key differences between the Roomba i4+ and the Roomba i3+. One is that the i4+ has better mapping and navigation capabilities. This is thanks to its advanced iAdapt 3.0 navigation system. This system uses sensors to create a map of your home as it cleans, so it knows where it has been and where it needs to go. The i3+ does not have this feature.

Another difference is that the i4+ has a higher suction power. This is thanks to its powerful Gen 3 motor. This motor is 20% more powerful than the one in the i3+.

Roomba i4+ vs Roomba i3+: Cleaning Features

The Roomba i4+ is equipped with powerful suction and a multi-surface brush roll that can handle everything from low-pile carpet to hardwood floors. It also has a dirt detect sensor that helps it focus on areas that need extra attention. The Roomba i3+ also has strong suction and a multi-surface brush roll, but it doesn’t have the dirt detect sensor.

When it comes to emptying the dustbin, the Roomba i4+ has an automatic dirt disposal system that allows it to empty itself after each cleaning cycle. The Roomba i3+ doesn’t have this feature, so you’ll have to empty it manually.

The Roomba i4+ also has a few other features that the Roomba i3+ doesn’t have, including edge-sweeping brushes, a virtual wall, and a remote control. So, if you’re looking for a vacuum with all the bells and whistles, the Roomba i4+ is the way to go. But if you’re looking for a more basic model that will still get the job done, the Roomba i3+ is a great option.

Roomba i4+ vs Roomba i3+: Smart Features

The biggest difference between the two models is the i4+’s ability to connect to your home’s WiFi. This allows you to control your Roomba from your phone or other smart devices. You can also schedule cleanings and get notifications when your Roomba is done cleaning.The i4+ also has a few other smart features, like a self-emptying dustbin and a longer-lasting battery. If you’re looking for a Roomba with all the bells and whistles, the i4+ is the way to go.

But if you’re looking for a more basic model, the i3+ might be a better option for you.

iRobot Roomba i4+

Roomba i4+ vs Roomba i3+: Customization Features

The Roomba i4+ offers three main customization features: edge cleaning, auto-adjust cleaning, and zone cleaning. Edge cleaning allows the Roomba to clean close to walls and other obstacles, while auto-adjust cleaning ensures that the Roomba cleans each area evenly. Zone cleaning allows you to select specific areas for the Roomba to clean, which can be helpful if you have a particularly messy room.

The Roomba i3+ also offers three main customization features: spot cleaning, virtual wall mode, and auto-resume. Spot cleaning allows the Roomba to clean a small, specific area, which can be helpful if you have a spill or other mess. Virtual wall mode creates an invisible barrier that the Roomba will not cross, which can be used to keep it out of certain areas or to contain it to one room. Finally, auto-resume allows the Roomba to continue cleaning after it has been paused, which can be helpful if you need to leave the house for a short period of time.

Both the Roomba i4+ and the Roomba i3+ offer a variety of customization features that can be helpful for different users. And the best Roomba for you will depend on your specific needs and preferences.

Roomba i4+ vs Roomba i3+: Mopping Features

The Roomba i4+ comes with a dedicated mopping system that includes a water tank and a mopping cloth. This system is designed to clean your floors without leaving any streaks or residue behind. The Roomba i3+, on the other hand, does not come with a mopping system. Instead, it has a special mopping pad that you attach to the bottom of the vacuum. This pad is designed to absorb water and dirt, and it can be reused multiple times.

Another key difference between the Roomba i4+ and Roomba i3+ is the size of the water tank. The Roomba i4+ has a much larger water tank, which means that it can clean for longer without needing to be refilled. The Roomba i3+, on the other hand, has a smaller water tank. This means that it will need to be refilled more often, but it is still capable of cleaning your floors effectively.

Finally, the Roomba i4+ is a newer model, so it comes with some additional features that the Roomba i3+ does not have. These include a self-emptying dustbin and a virtual wall. The Roomba i3+ does not have these features, but it is still a great vacuum for cleaning your floors.

So, which vacuum is right for you? If you are looking for a vacuum that can handle mopping your floors effectively, then the Roomba i4+ is the better option. However, if you are looking for a vacuum that is more affordable, then the Roomba i3+ is a great choice.

iRobot Roomba i4+

Roomba i4+ vs Roomba i3+: Which is better?

If you’re in the market for a new Roomba, you may be wondering which model is the best. Here’s a comparison of the two models to help you decide:

The Roomba i4+ is slightly larger than the Roomba i3+. This can be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on your needs. If you have a larger home, the i4+ may be a better option because it can cover more ground. On the other hand, the i3+ may be a better choice if you have a smaller home or you’re looking for a Roomba that’s more compact and easier to store.

2.Cleaning Power
Both the Roomba i4+ and the Roomba i3+ offer excellent cleaning power. However, the i4+ has a slightly more powerful motor, which means it can pick up more dirt and debris. If you have a home with a lot of foot traffic, the i4+ may be the better choice.

3.Battery Life
The Roomba i4+ has a slightly longer battery life than the Roomba i3+. This means that you won’t have to charge it as often, and it can clean for a longer period of time before it needs to be recharged.

The Roomba i4+ is slightly more expensive than the Roomba i3+. However, it’s important to keep in mind that the i4+ offers more features and cleaning power than the i3+. If you’re looking for the best value, the i4+ is the better choice.

The Roomba i4+ and Roomba i3+ are both great options. However, the i4+ is slightly better in terms of size, cleaning power, battery life, and price. If you’re looking for the best Roomba for your needs, the i4+ is the way to go.

Reasons to buy the iRobot Roomba i3+

If you are looking for a robot vacuum cleaner to help clean your home, the iRobot Roomba i3+ is a great option. This makes it better at identifying obstacles and cleaning around them. The iRobot Roomba i3+ is one of the most affordable robotic vacuums on the market and it is packed with features, including auto-emptying and app control.
The iRobot Roomba i3+ is ideal for pet hair and allergies and it is very easy to use so that provides many convenience for people.

Reasons to buy the iRobot Roomba i4+

If you’re looking for a robotic vacuum that can handle pet hair, the i4+ is a great option. It has two multi-surface brushes that work together to lift pet hair and dander from your floors. The i4+ also has edge-sweeping functionality to help it clean along baseboards and in corners. One of the best features of the i4+ is its self-emptying dustbin and the vacuum uses sensors to detect when the bin is full and then automatically empties it into a sealed bag.  The i4+ is also compatible with the iRobot Home app, which allows you to schedule cleanings, track the vacuum’s progress, and more. 

The End

So now that you know the iRobot Roomba i3+ and i4+, it’s time to figure out what are the differences and similarities between these two models. Both of these robots have been designed with a variety of different users in mind, so it can be difficult to decide which one is right for you. However, by comparing both models side-by-side, hopefully this article has helped you make an informed decision as to which one might be best for your home.