The iRobot Roomba i8+ vs i9+ are two of the most popular robotic vacuums on the market. Both offer excellent cleaning performance and a variety of features to help you keep your home clean. But which one is the best for you? In this blog post, we’ll compare the iRobot Roomba i8+ and i9+ and help you decide which one is the best robotic vacuum for your needs.

Roomba i8+

If you’re looking for a robotic vacuum that can cover large areas quickly and easily, the iRobot Roomba i8+ and the robot Roomba i8+ are both great options. Here’s a closer look at their features and which one is better for your needs. For example, the iRobot Roomba i8+ has a larger battery that lasts longer, it has more suction power, and it is slightly easier to maneuver. The i8+ is packed with features designed to make your life easier. From its advanced navigation system to its powerful suction, the i8+ is the perfect choice for anyone looking for a top-of-the-line Roomba.

One of the most impressive features of the i8+ is its advanced navigation system. Using a combination of sensors and cameras, the i8+ can map out your home and create a custom cleaning plan. This means that it can clean your home more efficiently and avoid areas that don’t need to be cleaned. Another great feature of the i8+ is its powerful suction. With up to 10x the suction of previous Roomba models, the i8+ can tackle even the toughest dirt and debris. And, thanks to its new and improved brush system, it can do a better job of cleaning your floors and carpets.

irobot roomba i8+ vs i9+

Roomba i9+ 

The Roomba i9+ has several advanced features that the Roomba i8+ does not have. These include a navigation system that allows it to find its way around your home and a self-cleaning system that helps to clean the brushes on the robot automatically. If you frequently move furniture or have extremely pet hair, these features could be important to you. Ultimately, it depends on your needs and which robotic vacuum is best for you. If you’re looking for an affordable option that is easy to use. 

The iRobot Roomba i9+ has an upgraded motor that provides more power and better cleaning performance. The second difference is that the iRobot Roomba i9+ has a new sensor system that helps it to navigate more accurately.

Compare iRobot Roomba i8+ and i9+

If you’re looking for a robotic vacuum that can handle just about any type of flooring, the iRobot Roomba i8+ and i9+ are both worthy contenders. Here’s a closer look at their features and how they compare. The iRobot Roomba i8+ is the more affordable option of the two, and it comes with some basic features that the i9+ does not have, such as an app for controlling the vacuum from anywhere in the world. It also has a detachable hose for easy cleaning.

The iRobot Roomba i9+ is more expensive but has many advanced features, such as obstacle detection and mapping. It can also connect to Amazon Alexa or Google Home to allow you to control the vacuum using voice commands. It has a larger dustbin than the i8+, which makes it better suited for high-traffic areas. Overall, the two robotic vacuums are both excellent choices for those looking for a high-quality robotic vacuum that can handle just about any type of flooring.

Roomba i8+ vs Roomba i9+: Design

The Roomba i8+ vs Roomba i9+ is a robot vacuum cleaner comparison between two models of the popular robot vacuum cleaners by iRobot. The Roomba i8+ is a model designed for medium to large rooms while the Roomba i9+ is designed for larger rooms and areas. The Roomba i8+ has a slightly larger dustbin than the Roomba i9+, which makes it better suited for medium to large rooms.

Roomba i9

Roomba i8+ vs Roomba i9+: Mapping & Navigation

But which one is actually the best? Both vacuums offer excellent mapping and navigation features, meaning that they’ll easily find their way around your home’s corners and nooks. Both also have powerful suction that can remove all types of debris, including pet hair, dirt, and dust. The Roomba i8+ has a map that can track up to 8 rooms, while the Roomba i9+ has a map that can track up to 9 rooms.

Both vacuums have sensors that allow them to navigate around obstacles and furniture. However, the Roomba i8+ has a slight edge in this category. The map on the Roomba i8+ is larger, making it easier to see and navigate. Additionally, the Roomba i8+ has a more advanced navigation system that allows it to move more quickly around your house. Next, let’s compare their suction abilities. This is due to its brushless motor and dustbin with larger capacity. The Roomba i8+ also has strong suction, but it.

Roomba i8+ vs Roomba i9+: Cleaning Features

They both have a lot of cleaning features that make them great options for homeowners. The Roomba i9+ has an upgraded navigation system that allows it to move more quickly around your home. The Roomba i8+ has a built-in camera that can help you to clean areas that are difficult to reach, such as under furniture. If you’re looking for a robotic vacuum that can handle all of your cleaning needs, the Roomba i9+ is likely the model for you.

The Roomba i8+ and the Roomba i9+ are two of the latest robotic vacuum cleaners from iRobot. They both come with a number of cleaning features that make them popular choices for homeowners. This means that it can hold more dirt and debris before needing to be emptied. This means that it can move greater volumes of dirt and debris. This means that it can stay cleaner for longer periods of time before needing to be charged.

Overall, the Roomba i8+ is a better choice for people who have large households with lots of dirt and debris to clean, while the Roomba i9+ is better for people who have smaller households with less dirt and debris to clean.

Roomba i8+ vs Roomba i9+: Smart Features

One of the most important considerations when choosing a robotic vacuum cleaner is whether or not it has smart features. The Roomba i8+ and the Roomba i9+ both come with a number of smart features that make them more effective than traditional robotic vacuums. The Roomba i8+ has a built-in map that can help it to navigate around your home more efficiently. The Roomba i9+ has sensors that allow it to identify obstacles and differentiate between different types of floors. Both models also have sensors that allow them to clean stairs and corners.

Roomba i8+ vs Roomba i9+: Customization Features

The Roomba i8+ is a budget-friendly option that offers basic features such as room scanning and virtual wall mapping. It doesn’t have any virtual assistant capabilities or customizable settings, but it’s still a powerful robotic vacuum.The Roomba i9+ is the upgraded version of the i8+ model. It has all the features of the i8+, plus virtual assistant capabilities and customizable settings. So which model is right for you?

Roomba i8+ vs Roomba i9+: Mopping Features

When it comes to mopping features, the Roomba i8+ and Roomba i9+ are very similar. Both models come with a mopping plate and a water tank. The main difference is that the Roomba i9+ has a self-emptying feature, whereas the Roomba i8+ does not. If you’re looking for a mopping robot that can take care of the entire process for you, then the Roomba i9+ is the way to go. However, if you’re okay with emptying the water tank yourself, then the Roomba i8+ will still do a great job.

Pros and Cons of iRobot Roomba i8+

There are many features to love about the iRobot Roomba i8+, but there are also a few drawbacks that you should be aware of before making your purchase. Here are the pros and cons of the iRobot Roomba i8+ to help you decide if it’s the right vacuum cleaner for your home.


  1. The i8+ has powerful suction that can handle even the heaviest of dirt and debris.
  2. It comes with a self-emptying dustbin, so you don’t have to worry about emptying it yourself.
  3. The i8+ is equipped with intelligent navigation, so it can clean your home more effectively and efficiently.
  4. It has a generous battery life, so you can vacuum for longer without having to worry about recharging.
  5. The i8+ comes with a variety of accessories, including a carpet freshener and an extra set of filters, so you can customize your cleaning experience.


  1. The i8+ is one of the more expensive vacuum cleaners on the market.
  2. Its self-emptying dustbin can be a bit noisy.
  3. Some users have reported that the i8+ can be difficult to maneuver, especially around tight corners.

Overall, the iRobot Roomba i8+ is a powerful and efficient vacuum cleaner that comes with some great features. However, it is one of the more expensive options on the market.

Pros and Cons of iRobot Roomba i9+

The iRobot Roomba i9+ is one of the most popular robotic vacuum cleaners on the market. It’s packed with features and has great suction power. But, as with any product, there are pros and cons to consider before purchasing.

Here are some of the pros of the iRobot Roomba i9+:

  1. It has great suction power and can clean carpets and hard floors effectively.
  2. It’s packed with features, including a self-emptying dustbin, self-cleaning brush roll, and mapping technology that allows it to clean specific rooms or areas.
  3. It’s compatible with the iRobot HOME app, which lets you control the vacuum cleaner from your smartphone.
  4. It comes with a 12-month warranty.

Here are some of the cons of the iRobot Roomba i9+:

  1. It’s one of the more expensive robotic vacuum cleaners on the market.
  2. Some users have reported that it can be noisy.
  3. Some users have also reported that it can get stuck under furniture easily.

Overall, the iRobot Roomba i9+ is a great robotic vacuum cleaner. It has powerful suction, is packed with features, and is easy to control with the iRobot HOME app. However, it is one of the more expensive models on the market.

Which one should you choose, iRobot Roomba i8+ or i9+?

iRobot Roomba i8+ vs i9+

The iRobot Roomba i8+ and the iRobot Roomba i9+ are two of the most popular robotic vacuums on the market. They both have a number of features that make them great options for cleaning your home, but which one is the best? After comparing their features head-to-head, we think the iRobot Roomba i8+ is the better option overall. Here are our reasons why:

  1. This means you will be able to clean your home more often without having to recharge it as often. 
  2. This makes it easier for it to navigate around your house and clean up all those pesky messes. 
  3. The docking station that comes with this model of robot vacuum is also much nicer than that included with the older model.


When it comes to robotic vacuums, the iRobot Roomba line is one of the most popular options on the market. Between the i8+ and the i9+, there are a lot of differences that can make either model an excellent choice for your home. In this article, we compare the two models side-by-side to help you decide which one is best for your needs.