Although they may look similar at first glance, the Roomba 677 and 675 models have some important differences. The Roomba 677 is the newer model and offers several updated features, including a quieter motor, a more powerful suction, and a higher-capacity dustbin. The Roomba 675, on the other hand, is more budget-friendly and may be a better option if you’re not looking for all the bells and whistles.

So which one is right for you? Read on to find out.

Roomba 677 

If you’re looking for a robotic vacuum that can take care of your floors for you, the Roomba 677 is a great option to consider. It’s specifically designed to clean carpets and hard floors, and it does an excellent job at both. It’s also relatively affordable, making it a great choice for budget-minded shoppers.

When it comes to cleaning power, the Roomba 677 does not disappoint. It features two multi-surface brushes that work together to loosen, lift, and suction dirt and debris from your floors. The vacuum also has a high-efficiency filter that captures 99% of allergens, pollen, and dust.

One of the best features of the Roomba 677 is its iAdapt Navigation system. This system uses sensors to navigate your home, avoid obstacles, and keep track of where it has already cleaned. This ensures that the vacuum covers your entire floor area and doesn’t miss any spots.

The Roomba 677 is also very easy to use. Simply press a button to get it started and then let it do its thing. When it’s finished, it will automatically return to its docking station to recharge.

Roomba 675 

The Roomba 675 is a great choice for homes with pets. It features a powerful motor that can suction up pet hair, dander, and other debris. The vacuum also includes a tangle-free brushroll that won’t get tangled with pet hair. And, if you have allergies, the Roomba 675 offers a HEPA filter that captures 99% of dust and allergens.

One of the best features of the Roomba 675 is its iAdapt Navigation system. This allows the vacuum to clean your floors thoroughly, yet efficiently. The vacuum will avoid obstacles, as well as clean under furniture and along edges.

The Roomba 675 is also compatible with the iRobot Home app. This allows you to control the vacuum from your smartphone. You can schedule cleanings, start and stop the vacuum, and even monitor its cleaning progress.

If you’re looking for a powerful and affordable robotic vacuum, the Roomba 675 is a great option. It offers many of the same features as more expensive models, yet at a more budget-friendly price.

Roomba 677 vs Roomba 675

Compare Roomba 677 and Roomba 675

The Roomba 677 is the more expensive of the two vacuums, but it offers a few more features than the 675. For instance, the 677 comes with a virtual wall barrier, which is great for keeping the vacuum in a specific area. It also has a higher suction power and a longer battery life.

The Roomba 675, on the other hand, is a bit cheaper and doesn’t come with the virtual wall barrier. However, it does have a slightly higher dustbin capacity and a shorter charging time.

So, which vacuum should you choose? If you’re looking for the best possible performance and don’t mind spending a bit more, then go with the Roomba 677. But if you’re on a budget and still want a great vacuum, then the Roomba 675 is a good option.


Design is one of the key differentiating factors between the Roomba 677 and 675 models. The 677 features a sleek, modern design that will complement any home décor. It also has a dustbin that is easier to empty, and a more powerful suction system. The 675 has a more traditional design, and its dustbin is not as easy to empty. However, it does have a longer battery life.

Mapping & Navigation

When it comes to mapping and navigation, the Roomba 677 is the clear winner. It uses advanced sensors to create a map of your home, so it knows where it has been and where it needs to go.

The Roomba 675, on the other hand, does not have this feature.The Roomba 677 also has a higher suction power than the Roomba 675, so it can pick up more dirt and debris. Plus, it comes with a virtual wall barrier, so you can keep it out of certain areas of your home.

Roomba 677 vs Roomba 675

Cleaning Features

The Roomba 677 is equipped with a three-stage cleaning system that includes dual multi-surface brushes, a vacuum, and a dustbin. This system is designed to loosen, lift, and suction dirt, dust, and hair from your floors. The Roomba 675, on the other hand, has a two-stage cleaning system that includes a single multi-surface brush and a vacuum.

Both vacuums are able to clean carpets and hard floors, but the Roomba 677 does a better job at transitioning between the two surfaces. This is thanks to its adjustable floor plate that can be set to either carpet or hard floor mode. The Roomba 675, on the other hand, does not have an adjustable floor plate. This means that it may struggle to transition between surfaces, which can result in missed spots or less than ideal cleaning.

When it comes to the actual cleaning, both vacuums do a good job. However, the Roomba 677 has the edge thanks to its powerful suction and multi-surface brushes. These features make it better at picking up dirt, dust, and hair. The Roomba 675 is not as powerful as the 677, but it’s still a decent vacuum.

Smart Features

If you’re looking for a Roomba with some extra features that make cleaning a little easier, you might want to consider the Roomba 677. This model comes with a few smart features that the Roomba 675 doesn’t have.

For starters, the Roomba 677 comes with Dirt Detect technology. This feature uses sensors to detect areas of your home that tend to be dirtier than others. Once it’s identified a dirtier area, the Roomba 677 will spend more time cleaning that spot. The Roomba 677 also has a higher suction power than the Roomba 675. This means that it can pick up more dirt, dust, and debris from your floors.

The Roomba 677 comes with a virtual wall barrier. This is a great way to keep the Roomba contained to one area of your home, like a kitchen or living room. The Roomba 675 doesn’t come with this feature, so if you’re looking for a way to keep your Roomba contained, the 677 is the way to go.

Customization Features

There are a few key differences between the Roomba 677 and the Roomba 675 when it comes to customization features. The Roomba 677 allows you to set a schedule for when you want the Roomba to clean, as well as choose specific rooms that you want to be cleaned. The Roomba 675 does not have a scheduling feature, and therefore can only be set to clean on demand.

Another difference between the two models is that the Roomba 677 comes with a virtual wall barrier, which can be used to keep the Roomba in specific rooms or areas. The Roomba 675 does not come with a virtual wall barrier, so it may roam around more freely and could potentially get stuck in areas that you don’t want it to clean.

Mopping Features

There are a few key differences between the Roomba 677 and the Roomba 675 when it comes to mopping features. The Roomba 677 includes a water tank and a mopping pad, while the Roomba 675 does not. This means that the Roomba 677 can actually clean your floors with water, while the Roomba 675 can only dry-mop.

Another difference is that the Roomba 677’s water tank is removable, so you can easily fill it up and empty it as needed. The Roomba 675’s water tank is not removable, so you’ll need to be careful when filling it up so that you don’t spill any water.

Finally, the Roomba 677 includes a virtual wall barrier, which you can use to keep the Roomba in certain areas while it’s mopping. The Roomba 675 does not include a virtual wall barrier.

Roomba 677 vs Roomba 675: Which is the best robotic vacuum?

The Roomba 677 is the more expensive option, but it comes with a few extra features that may be worth the extra cost. It has a higher suction power, so it will be better at picking up dirt and debris. It also has a longer battery life, so you won’t have to charge it as often. 

The Roomba 675 is the cheaper option, but it doesn’t have some of the same features as the 677. It doesn’t have as much suction power, so it may not pick up all the dirt and debris. It also doesn’t have a long battery life, so you may have to charge it more often.

If you need a powerful Roomba that can pick up a lot of dirt and debris, then the 677 is a good option. If you’re on a budget and you don’t need all the extra features, then the 675 is a good option.

Roomba 677 vs Roomba 675

The End

In conclusion, the Roomba 677 is a great choice for those who need more capacity than the Roomba 675. If you have a large home or are pet-heavy, the 677 is worth the extra money. If you only have small rooms and minimal pet traffic, the 675 may be a better option.