The iRobot Roomba 960 and the iRobot Roomba 976 are two of the most popular robotic vacuum cleaners on the market. But which one is the better choice for you? To help you decide, we’ve put together a side-by-side comparison of the Roomba 960 vs Roomba 976 and you can know more information.

Roomba 960

iRobot’s Roomba 960 is a high-end robot vacuum that offers powerful cleaning, app control, and scheduling. And it is convenient for people to use. It’s one of the more expensive robot vacuums on the market, but its features and performance justify the cost.

The Roomba 960 has a powerful cleaning system so that that can handle both carpet and hard floors and it can be controlled with an app, which lets you start, stop, and schedule cleaning sessions. 

Roomba 976

The Roomba 976 is specifically designed to clean carpets, and it does a great job at it. The vacuum’s powerful motor is able to lift dirt and debris from deep within the carpet fibers, and the advanced navigation system ensures that the vacuum covers every inch of the floor.

One of the best features of the Roomba 976 is the WiFi connectivity. This allows you to control the vacuum from your smartphone or tablet. You can schedule cleaning sessions, start or stop the vacuum, and even check on the status of the battery.

Compare iRobot Roomba 960 and Roomba 976

Here are the key features that you should consider when comparing the iRobot Roomba 960 vs Roomba 976:

  1. Cost: The iRobot Roomba 960 is cheaper than the Roomba 976. This means that it may be a better option if you want to purchase a robotic vacuum cleaner for occasional use rather than for regular use.
  2. Cleaning Time: The iRobot Roomba 960 has a shorter cleaning time than the Roomba 976. This means that it will be able to cover more floor space in less time.
  3. Dustbin Capacity: The dustbin capacity of the iRobot Roomba 960 is larger than that of the Roomba 976. This means that it will be able to collect more dirt and debris before it needs to be emptied.
  4. Number of Brushes and Paths: The Roomba 960 has three brushes and two paths, while the 976 has four brushes and three paths. This means that the 976 can cover more surface area in less time, and it also does a better job of picking up dirt and debris.

iRobot Roomba 960 vs iRobot Roomba 976

Roomba 960 vs Roomba 976: Design

When it comes to design, the iRobot Roomba 960 and the Roomba 976 are very similar. Both vacuum cleaners have a sleek, round shape that makes them easy to maneuver around furniture and other obstacles. However, there are a few key differences between the two models.

  • The most noticeable difference is the color. The Roomba 960 is black with silver accents, while the Roomba 976 is white with gold accents. This difference in color can be helpful if you’re trying to match your vacuum cleaner to your home’s decor.
  • Another difference is the size. The Roomba 960 is slightly smaller than the Roomba 976, which can be beneficial if you have limited storage space.

Roomba 960 vs Roomba 976: Mapping & Navigation

Let’s look at the mapping and navigation features of these robots.

  • The iRobot Roomba 960 has a 6-foot minimum mapping radius while the 976 has a 12-foot mapping radius. This means that they can cover larger areas more accurately.
  • The iRobot Roomba 960 also has a more advanced navigation system that uses several sensors to map your home’s layout and navigate around obstacles. The 976 has a simpler navigation system that uses only one sensor.

If you have a large home with lots of obstacles, the iRobot Roomba 960 is probably better suited for you. The 976 is better if you have a smaller home or if you want to save money by not buying an extra sensor.

Roomba 960 vs Roomba 976: Cleaning Feature

But when it comes to cleaning performance, Roomba 960 does better than Roomba 976. Roomba 960 is front-wheel drive while Roomba 976 is side-wheel drive

  1. First, let’s take a look at the front-wheel drive vs side-wheel drive. Side-wheel drive robot has a motor on each wheel, which makes it easier to turn. However, front-wheel drive is more efficient because it allows the robot to move around obstacles more easily. It also has a larger brush that can cover more area.
  2. Second, let’s talk about the suction power. Roomba 960 has 3200Pa suction power while Roomba 976 has 4500Pa suction power. This means that Roomba 960 can handle more dirt and debris than Roomba 976. Third, Roomba 960 has a longer lasting battery while Roomba 976 has a shorter lasting battery.

iRobot Roomba 960

Roomba 960 vs Roomba 976: Smart Feature

When it comes to robotic vacuum cleaners, the Roomba 960 is one of the smartest on the market. The reason for this is because it comes with a number of features that allow it to clean your home more effectively and efficiently. Additionally, the Roomba 960 can be controlled via a smartphone app, which means you can start or stop it from anywhere.

The Roomba 976 is a powerful and efficient vacuum cleaner that comes with a number of smart features. It is equipped with an edge-sweeping brush that helps to remove dirt and debris from edges and corners. And the Roomba 976 also features a self-adjusting cleaner head that automatically adjusts to different floor types for optimal cleaning performance.

Roomba 960 vs Roomba 976: Customization Feature

There are a lot of features to compare when you are looking at the Roomba 960 vs Roomba 976. Both of these robotic vacuums offer plenty of features and benefits. However, one key difference between the two models is the customization feature. 

  • The Roomba 960 comes with the iRobot HOME app which allows you to customize your cleaning schedule. You can also use the app to monitor your Roomba’s performance and receive notifications about maintenance.
  • The Roomba 976 also has the iRobot HOME app, but it also has the iRobot+ app. This app gives you even more control over your Roomba, including the ability to choose specific rooms to clean and set virtual boundaries.

Both the Roomba 960 and Roomba 976 offer great customization features. However, the Roomba 976 is the better choice if you want complete control over your Roomba.

Roomba 960 vs Roomba 976: Mopping Feature

When it comes to mopping, the Roomba 960 is definitely the better option. It comes with a special mopping attachment that allows it to clean your floors more thoroughly. Plus, it has a built-in water tank that holds enough water to clean up to three rooms before needing to be refilled.

The Roomba 976, on the other hand, doesn’t come with a mopping attachment. Instead, it has a special cleaning pad that you need to attach to the bottom of the machine. This pad does a decent job of cleaning, but it doesn’t compare to the thoroughness of the Roomba 960.

Plus, the Roomba 976 doesn’t have a built-in water tank. This means that you’ll need to fill up a separate container with water and carry it around with you as the Roomba 976 cleans. Not only is this a hassle, but it also wastes a lot of water.

Roomba 960 vs Roomba 976: Which one should you buy?

In this post, we’ll compare the Roomba 960 and the Roomba 976. We’ve discussed the similarities and differences between these two models, and help you decide which one is right for you.

  1. The Roomba 960 and the Roomba 976 are both excellent Roombas. They both have similar features, and they both clean well. However, there are some key differences between these two models.
  2. The Roomba 960 is the more affordable option. It has a few less features than the Roomba 976, but it’s still a very capable Roomba. If you’re looking for a good Roomba on a budget, the Roomba 960 is a great option.
  3. The Roomba 976 is the more expensive option. It has a few more features than the Roomba 960, including a self-emptying dustbin. If you’re looking for the best of the best, the Roomba 976 is the way to go.

So, which Roomba should you buy? The answer depends on your needs and budget. If you’re looking for a good Roomba on a budget, the Roomba 960 is a great option. If you’re looking for the best of the best, the Roomba 976 is the way to go.

 iRobot Roomba 976

The End

In this article, we are comparing the iRobot Roomba 960 and the iRobot Roomba 976. We will be comparing their features, pros and cons, as well as how they would perform under different circumstances. Hopefully, after reading this article you will have a better understanding and be in a better position to make an informed decision about which one is right for you.