It’s no secret that Roomba is the leader when it comes to robotic vacuum cleaners. But with so many different models on the market, it can be tough to decide which one is right for you. If you’re stuck between the Roomba J7+ and the Roomba S9+, here’s a quick rundown of the key differences to help you make a decision.

Roomba j7+

If you’re looking for a top-of-the-line Roomba that will clean your floors and keep them looking great, you can’t go wrong with the Roomba j7+. This Roomba is packed with features that make it one of the best on the market, and it’s sure to leave your floors spotless.

It has an impressive 3-stage cleaning system that will remove all dirt, dust, and debris from your floors. The Roomba j7 is equipped with sensors that help it avoid furniture and other obstacles, so it won’t bump into things as it cleans.

Roomba s9+ 

The Roomba s9+ is a robotic vacuum cleaner that is specifically designed to clean your home. It is equipped with a powerful suction that can remove dirt, dust, and debris from your floors. It also has a self-emptying dustbin that can hold up to 30 days of dirt and debris. The Roomba s9+ also has sensors that help it navigate your home and avoid obstacles.

Roomba J7+ vs Roomba S9+

Compare iRobot Roomba j7+ and Roomba s9+

If you’re in the market for a new Roomba, you might be wondering which one to choose. The two top-of-the-line models are the iRobot Roomba j7+ and the Roomba s9+. Both are great choices, but there are some key differences that you’ll want to keep in mind.

One of the biggest differences between the two models is the navigation system. The Roomba j7+ uses iRobot’s standard navigation system, which is very good. However, the Roomba s9+ uses iRobot’s new iAdapt 3.0 navigation system. This is a significant upgrade, and it allows the s9+ to clean much more effectively.

Another big difference is the dustbin. The Roomba j7+ has a standard dustbin, which holds about 0.5 liters of dirt and debris. The Roomba s9+, on the other hand, has a larger dustbin that holds 0.7 liters. This is a nice upgrade, as it means you won’t have to empty the dustbin as often.

Finally, the Roomba s9+ comes with a few premium features that the j7+ doesn’t have. These include a self-emptying dustbin, a mopping attachment, and a more powerful suction system.



When it comes to design, the Roomba j7+ and Roomba s9+ are very similar. Both vacuums are round, with a diameter of approximately 13 inches. They both have a button on the top that you press to start the cleaning cycle. The main difference lies in the color scheme. The Roomba j7+ is white with gray trim, while the Roomba s9+ is black with gray trim.

Mapping & Navigation

When it comes to mapping and navigation, the Roomba J7 and Roomba S9 are two of the best options on the market. Both vacuums offer excellent mapping capabilities and can navigate around your home with ease. However, there are some key differences between these two models that you should be aware of before making a purchase.

The Roomba J7 is equipped with laser mapping technology, while the Roomba S9 uses optical sensors to create a map of your home. The J7 is also able to create a virtual wall that will keep it from entering certain areas of your home, while the S9 does not have this feature.Another key difference is in the navigation systems. The Roomba J7 uses iAdapt 2.0 navigation, which is very effective but can be somewhat noisy.

Cleaning Feature

Roomba is a popular robotic vacuum cleaner that comes with different features. One of the most interesting features of the roomba j7+ is its cleaning ability. The roomba j7+ can clean both hard floors and carpets with ease. Additionally, the roomba j7+ has a bin capacity of 150 liters which makes it one of the best robotic vacuums for large areas.

The roomba s9+, on the other hand, comes with some great cleaning features as well. For example, it has an extra-large dustbin which can hold up to 100 liters of dirt and debris. Furthermore, the roomba s9+ also has a powerful suction which helps to remove even stubborn dirt and dust from hard surfaces.

Roomba J7+ vs Roomba S9+

Smart Feature

When it comes to smart features, the Roomba j7+ and the Roomba s9+ are both top of the line. Both models come with features that allow them to be controlled via a smartphone app, and both have sensors that help them avoid obstacles and furniture. However, there are some key differences between the two models that you’ll want to keep in mind.

The Roomba j7+ comes with a feature called iAdapt 3.0, which uses a combination of sensors and software to create a map of your home as it cleans. This means that the Roomba j7+ can clean your entire home more effectively, even if you’re not there to supervise. The Roomba s9+, on the other hand, doesn’t come with this feature.

Customization Feature

When it comes to customization, the Roomba s9+ definitely has the edge. It comes with an app that lets you control just about every aspect of the cleaning process. You can schedule cleanings, set cleaning modes, and even track the Roomba’s progress as it cleans. The app also lets you know when the Roomba needs to be emptied, which is a lifesaver.

The Roomba j7+ also has some customization options, but they’re not as comprehensive as the Roomba s9+. With the j7+, you can schedule cleanings and set cleaning modes. But that’s about it. There’s no way to track the Roomba’s progress or know when it needs to be emptied.

Roomba j7+ vs Roomba s9+: Mopping Feature

When it comes to mopping, both the Roomba j7+ and Roomba s9+ are top-notch cleaners. However, there are some key differences between the two that you should be aware of before making your purchase.

  1. The Roomba j7+ comes with a mopping pad and solution that are specifically designed for use on hard floors. The Roomba s9+, on the other hand, comes with a mopping kit that can be used on both hard floors and carpets.
  2. Another key difference is that the Roomba j7+ has a built-in water tank, while the Roomba s9+ does not. This means that you’ll need to fill up the water tank on the Roomba s9+ before each use.
  3. Finally, the Roomba j7+ has a slightly smaller cleaning path than the Roomba s9+. This means that it will take a bit longer to clean your floors with the Roomba j7+, but the results will be just as good.


The Roomba j7+ is the more affordable option, with a price tag of $598. The Roomba s9+, on the other hand, costs $799.

Which one is better?

So, which Roomba should you choose? If you’re looking for the best possible cleaning performance and don’t mind paying a bit extra, then the Roomba s9+ is the better choice. However, if you’re on a budget, then the Roomba j7+ is still a great option.

Who should buy the iRobot Roomba j7+?

The iRobot Roomba j7+ is a great choice for anyone who is looking for a powerful, yet affordable, robotic vacuum cleaner. This particular model is packed with features that make it ideal for cleaning both carpets and hard floors. In addition, the j7+ is equipped with special sensors that allow it to avoid obstacles and furniture, making it perfect for homes with pets or children.

Who should buy the iRobot Roomba s9+?

Who should buy the iRobot Roomba s9+? Well, anyone who wants the best possible cleaning performance from a robotic vacuum cleaner. If you have a large home or a lot of carpeting, the Roomba s9+ is an excellent choice. And if you’re willing to pay a bit extra for the best, then the Roomba s9+ is definitely the way to go.

Roomba J7+ vs Roomba S9+


In conclusion,the Roomba j7+ and Roomba s9+ are two very different vacuum cleaners. The Roomba j7+ is much cheaper and is a good choice for those who are on a budget. The Roomba s9+, on the other hand, is much more expensive but has many more features. It is a better choice for those who can afford it and who want a more feature-rich product.