It can be difficult to decide which Roomba model is the best for your needs. The Roomba 676 and Roomba 670 are both popular models that offer excellent features and performance. But which one is more suitable for you? In this article, we will compare  Roomba 676 and Roomba 670 from different angles and help you make a decision between them. 

Roomba 676 

The Roomba 676 is one of the latest robotic vacuums from iRobot. As with most of the newer Roombas, it features iRobot’s iAdapt 2.0 Navigation which allows it to clean your floors more thoroughly and efficiently. Additionally, the 676 has a 3-Stage Cleaning System and Dirt Detect Technology which work together to give your floors a deep clean.

One of the best things about the Roomba 676 (and other newer Roombas) is that it is much quieter than older models. This is thanks to the new acoustic sensors which allow the vacuum to adjust its cleaning pattern and avoid making too much noise.

Roomba 670 

Roomba 670 is a robotic vacuum cleaner that has been designed to make your life easier. It is equipped with sensors and brushes that allow it to clean your floors automatically, without you having to lift a finger.

iRobot Roomba 670 uses a three-stage cleaning system to clean your floors. This system includes a washable filter, a spinning side brush and two multi-surface brushes. These brushes work together to loosen, lift and suction dirt, dust and hair from your floors.

Roomba 676 Vs Roomba 670

Compare Roomba 676 and Roomba 670

If you’re in the market for a new robotic vacuum cleaner, you might be wondering which one is best for your needs. Here’s a quick comparison of the two top models:Roomba 676 vs. Roomba 670:

  1. Price: The Roomba 676 costs around $300 while the Roomba 670 costs around $200. This may seem like a small difference, but it can make a big impact over time. Over time, the Roomba 676 will likely be more expensive to operate than the Roomba 670.
  2. Energy Efficiency: The Roomba 676 is more energy efficient than the Roomba 670. This means that it will use less power to clean your floor than the Roomba 670.
  3. Maneuverability: The Roomba 676 has better maneuverability than the Roomba 670. This means that it is easier to move around your house and clean difficult-to-reach areas. 

Design Compare

One of the biggest differences between the Roomba 676 and the Roomba 670 is the design. The Roomba 676 has a more modern look and feel to it, while the Roomba 670 has a more traditional design.

Another difference between the two vacuums is the size. The Roomba 676 is slightly larger than the Roomba 670, so it may not be the best option if you have a smaller home.

Mapping & Navigation Features

When it comes to mapping and navigation, the Roomba 676 and 670 are very similar. Both devices use iRobot’s iAdapt Navigation technology to map out your home as they clean. This means that they create a virtual map of your home as they clean, so they can clean more efficiently the next time around.

There are, however, a few key differences between the two devices. First, the Roomba 676 has a feature called “persistent pass” which allows the device to clean the same area multiple times in a row. This is especially useful for homes with pets, as it ensures that all pet hair and dirt is removed from the floor.

The Roomba 670 also has a feature called “spot clean.” This allows the device to clean a small, specific area for a longer period of time. This is perfect for those times when you spill something on the floor or if your pet has an accident.

Cleaning Features

Both the Roomba 676 and 670 are equipped with sensors that help them navigate your home and avoid bumping into furniture or walls. The 676 also has an edge-detecting feature that allows it to clean along edges and in corners more effectively.

Both vacuum cleaners come with two virtual wall barriers that you can use to block off areas that you don’t want the vacuum to go. The 676 also has an additional feature that allows you to schedule cleaning times so that the vacuum will automatically start cleaning at a time that is convenient for you.

In terms of cleaning power, the Roomba 676 and 670 are both equipped with powerful suction that can pick up dirt, dust, and pet hair. The 676 has an extra-large dustbin that can hold more debris than the 670, so you won’t have to empty it as often.

Smart Features

When it comes to smart features, the Roomba 676 and 670 are pretty comparable. Both robots have sensors that allow them to navigate around your home, and both robots also have the ability to communicate with each other to keep your home clean. However, there are a few different features that set the 676 apart from the 670.

The first difference between the two robots is that the 676 has a built-in camera that allows it to map your home’s layout. This allows the robot to avoid obstacles and clean areas that it has already visited before. The 670 does not have a built-in camera, so it may not be able to map your home as accurately.

The 676 also has a higher capacity battery. This means that it can run for longer periods of time before needing to be charged, which is beneficial if you have a large home. The 670 has a smaller battery, so it may not be able to clean your home as quickly.

Roomba 676 Vs Roomba 670

Customization Features 

Both the Roomba 676 and 670 offer a variety of customization features. However, the 676 has a few more options than the 670. For example, the 676 allows you to schedule cleaning times, choose between three different cleaning modes, and even select specific rooms to clean.

The 670 also offers some customization features, but not to the same extent as the 676. With the 670, you can schedule cleaning times and choose between two cleaning modes. However, you cannot select specific rooms to clean.

Mopping Features 

One of the most notable differences between the Roomba 676 and the Roomba 670 is the mopping feature.

The Roomba 676 comes with a wet mopping system that helps to clean up spills and other messes quickly and easily. This system is especially useful if you have pets or children who are constantly making messes.

The Roomba 670 does not come with a wet mopping system, but it does come with other features that make it a better choice for some homeowners. For example, the Roomba 670 has a powerful suction that can pick up bigger messes than the Roomba 676.

It is important to choose the right robot vacuum for your specific needs. The Roomba 676 is a great choice for homeowners who want a robot vacuum that comes with features like the wet mopping system.

Which one should you buy?

There are a lot of factors to consider when purchasing a Roomba. The two most popular models are the Roomba 676 and the Roomba 670. Both models have their pros and cons, so it really depends on your individual needs as to which one you should buy.

The Roomba 676 is the more expensive model, but it comes with a few extra features that the Roomba 670 doesn’t have. It has a higher suction power and a larger dustbin, so it’s better for homes with pets or allergies. It also has a longer battery life and comes with a virtual wall, which can be used to keep the Roomba in certain rooms or areas.

The Roomba 670 is the cheaper model, but it still has all the basic features that you need. It’s a good choice for homes without pets or allergies, and it has a shorter battery life but comes with a docking station so you can always keep it charged.

So, which one should you buy? It really depends on your individual needs. If you have pets or allergies, the Roomba 676 is the better choice. If you don’t have pets or allergies, the Roomba 670 is a good choice.

Roomba 676 Vs Roomba 670


In conclusion, the Roomba 676 and 670 are both great choices for vacuum cleaners. They both have their pros and cons, but the Roomba 676 is more suitable for us. It is more powerful and has more features than the Roomba 670.