When it comes to robotic vacuum cleaners, there are a lot of different options to choose from. Two of the most popular brands are Roomba and iRobot. In this article, we will be comparing the Roomba 676 and the Roomba 976. Both of these models have their own unique features and benefits. So, which one is the better option for you?

Roomba 676

The Roomba 676 is a powerful and efficient vacuum cleaner that is perfect for busy households. It features a three-stage cleaning system that can handle both carpets and hard floors, and it also has a dirt detector that helps it to focus on areas that are particularly dirty. The Roomba 676 is also very quiet, making it perfect for use at night or when you need to vacuum without disturbing others.

Roomba 976 

Roomba 976 is a robotic vacuum cleaner that has been specifically designed to clean carpets and hard floors. It is equipped with sensors that enable it to avoid obstacles, and it also has a special feature that allows it to clean under furniture. Roomba 976 uses a special spinning brush that helps to loosen and lift dirt and debris from carpets and hard floors. It also has a powerful suction that sucks up the dirt and debris into the dustbin.

Compare Roomba 676 and Roomba 976

When it comes to robotic vacuums, there are a lot of different options to choose from. Two of the more popular options are the Roomba 676 and the Roomba 976. Both of these options offer a lot of features and benefits, but which one is the better option?

The Roomba 676 is a great choice for those who are looking for a budget-friendly option. It offers many of the features that you would expect from a Roomba, including edge cleaning, auto-adjusting cleaning head, and a self-charging dock. It also has a fairly small footprint, making it a good choice for smaller homes.

The Roomba 976 is a step up from the 676, offering a few more features that may be worth the extra cost. These features include a higher suction power, a longer battery life, and a dirt detection sensor. It also has a larger footprint, making it a better choice for larger homes.

So, which one is the better option? It really depends on your individual needs and preferences. If you are looking for a budget-friendly option, the Roomba 676 is a great choice. If you need a little more power and are willing to pay a bit more, the Roomba 976 is the better option.

Roomba 676 Vs Roomba 976

Design Compare

When it comes to design, there are a few key differences between the Roomba 676 and 976. The 676 has a more traditional, boxy design, while the 976 has a sleeker, more modern look. The 976 is also slightly larger and heavier than the 676.

Mapping & Navigation Features 

When it comes to mapping and navigation, there are a few key differences between the Roomba 676 and 976. For starters, the Roomba 676 uses optical sensors to map out your home, while the Roomba 976 uses an advanced laser-based system. This means that the Roomba 976 is able to create a more accurate map of your home, and it can also navigate around obstacles more effectively.

Another key difference is that the Roomba 976 is equipped with virtual wall technology, which allows you to create virtual barriers that the robot will not cross. This is a great feature if you have pets or children, as it can help to keep them safe from the robot.

Cleaning Features 

Both of these vacuums boast advanced cleaning technology, but there are some key differences between them. The Roomba 676, for instance, has a three-stage cleaning system that includes edge-sweeping brushes. This can be helpful for getting rid of dirt and dust that’s stuck in corners and along baseboards.

The Roomba 976, on the other hand, has a powerful suction that’s designed to pick up even the smallest particles. It also has a self-emptying dustbin, so you don’t have to worry about emptying it yourself.

Smart Features

When it comes to choosing a robotic vacuum, there are a lot of factors to consider. But if you’re looking for a vacuum that is packed with smart features, then you’ll want to take a closer look at the Roomba 676 and the Roomba 976. Both vacuums come with iRobot’s patented iAdapt Navigation, which uses a combination of sensors and software to map your home and clean your floors more effectively.

The Roomba 676 also features Dirt Detect Technology, which helps it to focus on areas that are especially dirty. The Roomba 976 takes things a step further with the addition of Imprint Smart Mapping, which allows you to control where the vacuum cleans and when. You can even schedule cleanings and create virtual barriers to keep the vacuum away from certain areas.

Another difference between the two vacuums is their suction power. The Roomba 676 has a suction power of 600Pa, while the Roomba 976 has a suction power of 1000Pa. This means that the Roomba 976 will be able to pick up more dirt, dust, and debris than the Roomba 676. The Roomba 976 comes with a self-emptying dustbin, which means that you won’t have to worry about emptying it yourself. The Roomba 676 does not have this feature.

Roomba 676 Vs Roomba 976

Customization Features 

There are many features to consider when comparing the Roomba 676 and the Roomba 976. One important feature is customization. How easily can you customize each Roomba to your specific needs?

The Roomba 676 has a few customization options. You can schedule when it will clean, choose between a few different cleaning modes, and adjust the height. The Roomba 976 has many more customization options. In addition to the features of the Roomba 676, you can also choose from a variety of cleaning brushes, specify areas to avoid, and create virtual walls.

Mopping Features 

When it comes to mopping, both the Roomba 676 and the Roomba 976 have their own unique features. For instance, the Roomba 676 has a special edge-sweeping brush that helps it to clean along edges and in corners. Meanwhile, the Roomba 976 comes with a special mopping pad that is designed to clean hard floors more effectively.

So, which one of these mopping features is better? It really depends on your specific needs. If you have a lot of hard floors in your home, then the Roomba 976 might be the better option for you. However, if you have mostly carpeted floors, then the Roomba 676 might be a better choice.

Which one should you buy? 

There are a lot of things to consider when you’re trying to decide between two products. In the case of the Roomba 676 and the Roomba 976, there are a few key differences that may help you make your decision.

The Roomba 676 is a great choice for those who are looking for a budget-friendly option. It has many of the same features as the Roomba 976, but it’s a bit cheaper. If you’re not concerned about having the absolute latest and greatest features, the Roomba 676 may be the right choice for you.

The Roomba 976 is the newest model of the Roomba, and it includes a few updated features. It has a longer battery life and can cover a larger area than the Roomba 676. If you’re looking for the absolute best Roomba on the market, the Roomba 976 is the way to go.

So, which one should you buy? The Roomba 676 or the Roomba 976? It really depends on your needs and budget. If you’re looking for a budget-friendly option, the Roomba 676 is a great choice. If you want the absolute best Roomba on the market, the Roomba 976 is the way to go.

Roomba 676 Vs Roomba 976


If you’re looking for a Roomba that can handle more dirt and debris, then the 976 is the better option for you. However, if you’re looking for a Roomba that’s a bit cheaper, then the 676 is a great option. Ultimately, it depends on your needs and budget as to which Roomba is the better choice for you.