When it comes to robotic vacuum cleaners, two of the most popular models on the market are the Roomba 780 and Roomba 880. Both offer great features and benefits, but which one is the better choice? Here is a quick comparison of the two models to help you decide which one is right for you:

Roomba 780 

The Roomba 780 is a robotic vacuum cleaner that was first introduced in September 2007. It is manufactured by iRobot. The 780 is an upgrade from the previous Roomba model, the 770. It has a sleeker design and improved navigation.

The Roomba 780 is designed for homes with pets. It has a special tangle-free roller that helps to prevent pet hair from getting tangled in the brush. The 780 also has an improved edge-cleaning feature.

The Roomba 780 is controlled with a remote. The remote has a display that shows the status of the Roomba and allows you to schedule cleaning times. The Roomba 780 also has an onboard computer that allows you to program it to clean at specific times.

Roomba 880 

If you’re looking for a top-of-the-line robotic vacuum, the iRobot Roomba 880 is a great option. It’s packed with features and designed to clean your floors thoroughly, quickly and efficiently.

The Roomba 880 has a powerful 3-Stage Cleaning System that agitates, brushes and suctions dirt, dust and hair from your floors. It also has a Dirt Detect feature that helps it focus on areas that need extra cleaning. The Roomba 880 is also designed to be as quiet as possible. So, if you’re looking for a robotic vacuum that won’t disturb your peace and quiet, this is a great option.

Finally, the Roomba 880 is also compatible with the iRobot HOME App, which lets you schedule cleanings, check the status of your Roomba and more. So, if you’re looking for a top-of-the-line robotic vacuum that’s packed with features and easy to use, the iRobot Roomba 880 is a great option.

Compare Roomba 780 and Roomba 880

When it comes to choosing a Roomba, there are a few things to consider. The two main models are the 780 and 880, so let’s compare and see which one would be the best fit for you.

The biggest difference between the 780 and 880 is the price. The 780 is significantly cheaper, so if you’re on a budget, it’s the obvious choice. However, the 880 does have some features that the 780 doesn’t, so it’s worth considering if you can afford it.

The 880 has a higher suction power, so it’s better at picking up dirt and debris. It also has a tangle-free debris extractor, so you don’t have to worry about hair getting wrapped around the brush. The 880 also has a virtual wall, which can be used to keep the Roomba in certain areas or out of others.

Roomba 780 vs Roomba 880

Design Compare 

When it comes to design, there are a few key differences between these two models. The Roomba 780 has a more traditional round shape, while the Roomba 880 has a more modern, rectangular shape. The Roomba 880 is also sleeker and more streamlined than the 780, giving it a more premium look and feel.

Mapping & Navigation Features

When it comes to mapping, the Roomba 780 uses optical sensors to create a map of your home as it cleans. On the other hand, the Roomba 880 uses a combination of optical and infrared sensors to create a more accurate map of your home. So, in terms of mapping, the Roomba 880 is the better option.

When it comes to navigation, both the Roomba 780 and 880 use sensors to navigate your home. However, the Roomba 880 uses an updated navigation system that is more efficient and accurate than the one found in the Roomba 780. So, if you’re looking for the best navigation, the Roomba 880 is the way to go.

Cleaning Features 

The Roomba 780 is better at cleaning carpets than the Roomba 880. The Roomba 780 has a special carpet boost feature that increases the suction power on carpets. This makes the Roomba 780 much better at picking up dirt, dust, and pet hair from carpets.

The Roomba 880 is better at cleaning hardwood floors and tile. The Roomba 880 has a special hard floor boost feature that increases the suction power on hard floors. This makes the Roomba 880 much better at picking up dirt, dust, and pet hair from hard floors.

The Roomba 780 and 880 are both great choices for cleaning your home. If you have a mix of carpet and hard floors, the Roomba 780 is the better choice. If you have mostly hard floors, the Roomba 880 is the better choice.

Smart Features 

When it comes to robotic vacuum cleaners, there are a lot of different options to choose from. But if you’re looking for a vacuum that comes packed with smart features, then you’ll want to take a closer look at the Roomba 780 and 880.

Both of these vacuums come with iRobot’s proprietary iAdapt Navigation system, which uses a combination of sensors and software to map out your home and navigate around obstacles. The 880 also includes an updated version of this software, which allows it to better avoid obstacles and clean more effectively.

Another difference between the two models is that the 780 includes a remote control, while the 880 does not. However, the 880 does come with an updated control panel that makes it easier to use.

Finally, the 780 includes a virtual wall, which you can use to block off areas that you don’t want the vacuum to clean. The 880 does not include this feature.

Roomba 780 vs Roomba 880

Customization Features 

When it comes to robotic vacuums, there are a lot of different features to consider. But one of the most important things to think about is customization. After all, you want your vacuum to be able to clean your home the way you want it to. So, how do the customization features of the Roomba 780 and 880 stack up?

The Roomba 780 has a few different customization features that allows you to tailor the cleaning to your specific needs. For example, you can choose between two different cleaning modes – thorough and quick. You can also schedule the Roomba to clean at specific times, or set it to automatically clean when it detects dirt.

The Roomba 880 also has a few different customization features. However, it takes things a step further by allowing you to choose between three different cleaning modes – thorough, quick, and spot. You can also schedule the Roomba to clean at specific times, or set it to automatically clean when it detects dirt. Plus, the Roomba 880 comes with a virtual wall, which you can use to block off areas that you don’t want the vacuum to clean.

Mopping Features 

When it comes to mopping, both the Roomba 780 and 880 offer some great features. But which one is better? Let’s take a look at the mopping features of each vacuum to see which one comes out on top.

The Roomba 780 comes with a special mopping attachment and solution. This means that you can just attach the mopping pad to the bottom of the vacuum and start cleaning. The solution is specially designed to pick up dirt and stains, and it also leaves behind a nice, clean scent.

The Roomba 880 also comes with a mopping attachment, but it doesn’t come with a solution. This means that you’ll need to supply your own cleaning solution. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it can be a bit of a hassle to have to mix up your own solution every time you want to mop.

Which one should you buy? 

When it comes to choosing between the Roomba 780 and the Roomba 880, it really depends on your needs and budget. If you’re looking for a top-of-the-line Roomba with all the bells and whistles, then the 880 is the one for you. However, if you’re on a tighter budget or don’t need all the extra features, then the 780 is a great option.

The Roomba 880 is the newer model and includes a few upgrades over the 780. One of the biggest differences is that the 880 has a tangle-free extractor system, which means it won’t get tangled up in pet hair or other debris. It also has a higher suction power and a more powerful motor.

The Roomba 780 includes most of the same features as the 880, but doesn’t have the tangle-free extractor system or the more powerful motor. However, it’s still a great Roomba and can handle most homes just fine.

So, which one should you buy? If you can afford it, the Roomba 880 is the better option. However, if you’re on a budget, the Roomba 780 is still a great choice.

Roomba 780 vs Roomba 880


After reading this article, it is clear that the Roomba 780 and 880 are both great options when it comes to robotic vacuum cleaners. However, the 880 is the better choice overall thanks to its superior cleaning performance, longer battery life, and additional features. If you are looking for the best possible experience when it comes to cleaning your home, the Roomba 880 is the way to go.