When it comes to roomba, there are two models that are available on the market – the Roomba 677 and the Roomba 671. Both these models have their own set of pros and cons, so it’s important to decide which one is the best suited for you.

Roomba 677

If you’re wondering what the big deal is with the new Roomba 677, here’s a quick rundown on what this robot vacuum cleaner can do that the older models can’t.

First and foremost, the Roomba 677 features an updated Wi-Fi connection that makes it easier to control from anywhere in the house. You can now schedule cleaning times, add more rooms to your cleaning list, and even use voice commands to get things done faster.

Another great feature of the Roomba 677 is its ability to map rooms automatically. This means that it will remember your layout and know where all of your furniture is located. This is really helpful if you have pets or kids who like to hide things under beds.

Roomba 677

Roomba 671 

If you are looking for a robot vacuum cleaner that can do your cleaning for you, then the Roomba 671 is a great choice. The Roomba 671 has many features that make it a great vacuum cleaner.

The Roomba 671 has a touchscreen interface that allows you to control the vacuum cleaner from anywhere in the house. You can also connect the vacuum cleaner to Wi-Fi so that you can manage your cleaning schedule from anywhere in the world.

A Roomba 671 also has sensors that allow it to navigate around your floors and obstacles. This makes it a great choice if you have pets or children who tend to get into trouble while cleaning.

Compare Roomba 677 and Roomba 671

The Roomba Roomba677 and the Roomba 671 are two of the most popular robotic vacuums on the market today. But what’s the difference between them? Let’s take a look!

  1. First, the Roomba 677 has a larger dustbin than the Roomba 671. This means that it can hold more dirt and debris, which makes it better at cleaning floors and upholstery.
  2. Second, the Roomba 677 has a longer power cord than the Roomba 671. This means that you can cleaner farther away from electrical outlets, which is useful if your home has a large area to be cleaned.
  3. Lastly, the Roomba 677 has a more advanced navigation system than the Roomba 671. This means that it can navigate more complex spaces, such as stairs and hallways.

Design Compare

The main difference between these two robots is their design. The Roomba 677 is a more traditional looking robot while the Roomba 671 is designed to look more like a human.

The Roomba 677 has a more upright posture and a more rectangular shape than the Roomba 671. The Roomba 677 also has a smaller wheelbase and is slightly taller than the Roomba 671.

Roomba 677

Mapping & Navigation Features

One of the main differences between the two machines is the Roomba 677’s ability to map out your floor plan. This feature allows the vacuum cleaner to know where all the corners and edges of the room are. The Roomba 671 does not have this feature, which may make it less intuitive for some users.

Another difference between the two machines is the Roomba 677’s ability to navigate around obstacles. This includes things like furniture and cables. The Roomba 671 cannot navigate around these obstacles, which may make it difficult to clean around them.

Cleaning Features 

Looking for a robot vacuum cleaner that can handle just about any cleaning job? Look no further than the Roomba Roomba677 and the Roomba 671. Here are some key differences between these two popular robot vacuum cleaners:

  • The Roomba 677 has a larger dustbin than the Roomba 671. This means it can clean more quickly and efficiently, especially if you have a large house with lots of dirt, dust, and pet hair.
  • The Roomba 677 has a better suction power than the Roomba 671. This means it can pick up smaller particles and debris, making it perfect for tight spaces or furniture.
  • The lithium-ion battery on the Roomba 677 lasts longer than the battery on the Roomba 671. This means you will be able to clean longer without having to recharge.

Smart Features 

Both the Roomba 671 and Roomba 677 have a few smart features that make them more advanced than most other vacuum cleaners on the market.

The Roomba 677 has a dustbin that can be emptied without having to touch the robot. The Roomba will also pause and wait for you to empty the bin before continuing.

The Roomba 671 has a sensor that detects when the robot is stuck, and it will start to move its brushes around to help dislodge the obstruction. The Roomba 671 will also restart if it detects a power outage.

Customization Features

When it comes to customization, the Roomba 677 and Roomba 671 are pretty similar. Both models come with a number of customization options, including the ability to change the room size, add walls or floors, and change the cleaning pattern.

One key difference between the two models is that the Roomba 677 can be controlled using a smartphone app, while the Roomba 671 requires direct manual control. Additionally, the Roomba 677 comes with a built-in camera that can be used to map out the room and customize the cleaning pattern.

Mopping Features

One difference between the two models is the size of the dirt bin. The Roomba 677 has a larger dirt bin that can hold more debris. This could be important if you have a lot of pet hair or if you have a lot of dirt and dust in your home.

Another difference is the way the brushes work. The Roomba 677 has two brushes that spin in opposite directions. This helps to remove larger debris. The Roomba 671 only has one brush that rotates in one direction. This could be a disadvantage if you have a lot of fine debris or if your floor is very dirty.

Overall, if you have a lot of large debris or if your floor is very dirty, the Roomba 677 may be a better choice.

Roomba 677

Which one should you buy?

When it comes to buying a new roomba, there are a few things to consider. Obviously, the price is one factor to consider, but what else should you consider?

The roomba 677 is a newer model than the roomba 671. The 677 has some new features, like an automatic docking station and a touch screen. The 671 is still a great roomba, and has many of the same features as the 677.

If you’re looking for an older model, the roomba 667 is a good option. It’s a bit cheaper than the 677, and has many of the same features.


Both the roomba 677 and the roomba 671 are great machines. They both have their own advantages and disadvantages, but ultimately, which one is better for you depends on your specific needs.