Roomba i6+ vs Roomba i7+: Roomba is a robotic vacuum cleaner that you can control with an app or voice command and it automatically cleans your house. Roomba i7+ offers additional features, such as dock charging. In this article, the author compares the pros and cons of each model in regards to cleaning, battery life, and other factors.

iRobot Roomba i6+

Roomba i6+ vs Roomba i7+

If you are in the market for a new robot vacuum cleaner, the iRobot Roomba i6+ may be a good option for you. This robot vacuum cleaner has many features that make it a great choice, and we will discuss some of these below. First and foremost, the iRobot Roomba i6+ is a Wi-Fi enabled robot vacuum cleaner.

This means that you can control it using your smartphone or computer. This makes the cleaning process much easier, and you can even schedule cleanings on your calendar. Additionally, the robot vacuum cleaner has sensors that can detect dirt, pet hair, and other debris. Once it detects any of these items, it will start to clean.

The iRobot Roomba i6+ also has an app called MyRoomba that you can use to monitor your robot vacuum cleaner’s performance. This app lets you see how much dirt, dust, and debris the robot has cleaned up, as well as how long it took to clean each room. You can also view footage of the robot cleaning rooms so that you can see how it works.

Roomba i7+ 

The Roomba i7+ is the latest addition to the Roomba family. It has some great features that make it a great choice for those who are looking for an upgrade from their current roomba. 

  • A new omnidirectional scanning system that is much faster and more accurate than the previous system. This means that the robot will be able to cover more area in less time, which will make cleaning much easier.
  • An extended life battery that offers up to 50% more run time than the previous battery. This means that you will be able to clean your room more often without having to recharge as often.
  • A new suction mechanism that is much stronger than the previous system. This means that your roomba will be able to remove more dust, dirt, and debris from your floors.
  • An upgraded wall-collision avoidance system that helps to prevent the robot from getting stuck on walls or furniture.

It also has a longer battery life than either of the other two models. It is also able to distinguish between different types of surfaces, such as carpet and hardwood floors.If you are in the market for a new vacuum cleaner, the Roomba i7+ should be at the top of your list. It is a powerful vacuum cleaner with long battery life, and it can clean large areas quickly.

Compare Roomba i6+ and i7+

The Roomba i6+ and i7+ are two of the most popular models from iRobot. They are both Wi-Fi enabled and have a number of features that make them great cleaners. We’ll compare the two models to help you decide which is right for you. It includes a room mapping feature, meaning it can map out your entire home automatically. This makes it easier to clean smaller areas, such as between walls or under furniture.

Roomba i6+ vs Roomba i7+: Design

When it comes to buying a new robot vacuum cleaner, there are a lot of options available to consumers. The Roomba i6+ is a slightly cheaper model and it is designed for smaller rooms. The Roomba i7+ is a bit more expensive but it has more features and is better suited for larger rooms.

That depends on your needs. If you have a small room, the Roomba i6+ is a good option. If you have a larger room, the Roomba i7+ is a better option. One other thing to consider is the brand. Some people prefer to buy products from specific brands, while others are more open to different brands.

Roomba i6+ vs Roomba i7+: Mapping & Navigation

The Roomba i6+ features a redesigned mapping system that makes it easier to navigate around your home. The i7+ has an updated mapping system that includes a visual representation of your room layout so you can see where all the obstacles are.

The Roomba i6+ also has improved navigation capabilities, including speed- sensors that help prevent it from bumping into things as it navigates.Overall, the Roomba i6+ is a better machine when it comes to navigation and mapping.

Roomba i6+ vs Roomba i7+: Cleaning Features

The Roomba i6+ has more sensors than the Roomba i7+, which means that it can clean more areas at once. It also has a larger room size of 590 square feet, so it can cover more ground while it cleans. The Roomba i7+ has a redesigned camera that allows it to see in dark corners and under furniture better.

It also has improved sensors that allow it to map out your room better so that it can clean it more accurately. Both models have Wi-Fi capability, so you can control them from anywhere in your home. They both have 6 brush heads and a debris bin that can hold up to 1 liter of debris.

They both come with a variety of cleaning features that can make cleaning a lot easier. One of the most important features of a roomba vacuum is its ability to navigate around tight spaces. The Roomba i6+ and Roomba i7+ have different navigation features that make it easier for them to clean difficult areas.

Roomba i6+ vs Roomba i7+: Smart Features

The Roomba i6+ has a built-in camera that can be used to track and map the cleaning path. This information can then be used to improve the cleaning performance of the robot vacuum cleaner in the future. The i7+ can capture high-resolution images and videos of the room being cleaned, which can help you to understand how the robot vacuum cleaner is performing. This information can also be used to improve the cleaning performance of the robot vacuum cleaner in the future.

These features include a wider range of sensors that allow it to clean different types of floors, a longer battery life, and more powerful motors.

Roomba i6+ vs Roomba i7+: Customization Features

They are both Customizable Cleaning Machines that come with a lot of features that make them stand out from the competition. One of the biggest differences between the Roomba i6+ and the Roomba i7+ is their Customization Features.

The Roomba i6+ comes with more features than the Roomba i7+, including an Automatic Dirt Sensor, a HEPA Filter, and a Spot Cleaning Feature. The Roomba i7+ also has more features than the Roomba i6+, including a Pre-rinse Feature, a Normal Dustbin Capacity, and a Max Dustbin Capacity.

One of the customization features that the Roomba i6+ and Roomba i7+ have is the ability to use different brushes. This allows people to clean different areas of the house, such as the bathroom and the kitchen. The other customization feature that these robots have is the ability to use different navigation modes. These modes allow people to navigate around difficult obstacles or tight spaces.

Overall, the Roomba i6+ and Roomba i7+ are two of the most versatile robots on the market. They can be used for a variety of tasks, and they come with a lot of customization features that make them easy to use.

Roomba i6+ vs Roomba i7+: Mopping Features

They both feature some great new features that make them better than ever before when it comes to mopping. This means that it can clean more quickly, since it doesn’t have to stop and empty its dustbin as often. The Roomba i6+ also has a new wet mopping system that makes cleaning even harder surfaces easier.

This system uses water jets to clean hard-to-reach areas, such as between floors or around furniture. The Roomba i7+ also has several other great features, such as a new sensors system that allows it to navigate around obstacles automatically. It also has a new sensor that monitors how much room you have left on your floor, so it will stop cleaning when it reaches its limit.

This means that it will need to be emptied more frequently. The Roomba i7+ has a better navigation system. This makes it easier to clean tight spaces and corners. The Roomba i7+ also has a more powerful motor. This means that it can move more dirt and debris.

Which one should you buy?

If you’re on the market for a new roomba, you have a few different options to choose from. The i7+ model is the most recent incarnation of the roomba, and it has many new features that make it better than older models. One of the main differences between the i+ model and older models is the ability to communicate with other roombas over Wi-Fi.

This allows you to control your roomba from anywhere in the world. Another great feature of the i+ model is its built-in vacuum cleaner. This means that you no longer need to buy separate vacuum cleaners for your bedroom and living room. It’s important to remember that not all of these features are available in all regions.


When it comes to roomba robots, the i6+ and i7+ are two of the most popular models on the market. The main difference between these two models is that the i7+ has a built-in camera that allows you to take pictures and videos, while the i6+ does not. Other than this, they are very similar devices that do many of the same things. If you’re looking for a roomba robot to do basic tasks around your house such as cleaning and dumping garbage, either model will work just fine.