iRobot Roomaba e6 and iRobot Roomaba 670 are two kinds of iRobot roomba. Both of them are designed to clean your floors without you ever having to lift a finger. In this article, we will compare thia two to help you choose the right one gou you.

Roomba e6 

The Roomba e6 is a robotic vacuum cleaner that has been specifically designed to clean your floors for you. This innovative device is equipped with sensors that allow it to avoid obstacles, as well as a special edge-cleaning mode that gets into those hard-to-reach places.

The Roomba e6 also features a self-emptying dustbin, so you never have to worry about emptying it yourself. If you are looking for a hassle-free way to keep your floors clean, the iRobot Roomba e6 is the perfect solution for you.

Roomba 670

The iRobot Roomba 670 is a robotic vacuum cleaner that has been specifically designed to clean carpets and hard floors. It features a powerful suction system that can remove dirt, dust, and debris from your floors with ease. The Roomba 670 also comes with a self-charging dock, so you never have to worry about it running out of power.

When it comes to cleaning your floors, the iRobot Roomba 670 is one of the best options on the market. It’s easy to use and comes with everything you need to get started. If you’re looking for a robotic vacuum cleaner that can make your life easier, the iRobot Roomba 670 is a great choice.

Compare iRobot Roomba e6 and iRobot Roomba 670

There are a few key differences between the irobot e6 and roomba 670. Here are the most important ones:

  • Size: The iRobot Roomba e6 is slightly larger than the iRobot Roomba 670. This allows it to fit more items in its bin, and it also has a larger dustbin.
  • Features: The iRobot Roomba e6 has several features that the iRobot Roomba e6 does not have, such as Wi-Fi connectivity and automatic cleaning.
  • Price: The price of the iRobot Roomba e6 is slightly higher than the price of the iRobot Roomba 670. However, this difference is usually not significant enough to make one choice over the other.

iRobot Roomba e6 vs iRobot Roomba 670

Design Compare

When it comes to design, the iRobot Roomba e6 and the iRobot Roomba 670 are very similar. Both feature a sleek, black and silver design that will look great in any home. The biggest difference between the two is the size. The Roomba 670 is slightly smaller, making it more maneuverable and easier to store.

Mapping & Navigation Features

When it comes to mapping and navigation, there are a few key features that you’ll want to consider when comparing the iRobot Roomba e6 vs the iRobot Roomba 670.

For starters, both models feature iAdapt technology that allows them to create an accurate map of your home as they clean. This is important for ensuring that your Roomba doesn’t miss any spots, and also allows you to see where it’s been and where it still needs to go.

The e6 model also features improved navigation thanks to its LiDAR sensor. This sensor helps the e6 to better avoid obstacles and furniture, meaning that it will be less likely to get stuck or tangled. The 670 model does not have this feature, so it may not be as good at avoiding obstacles.

Finally, the e6 model includes virtual wall technology, which you can use to create virtual barriers that the Roomba will not cross. This can be helpful for keeping it out of certain rooms or areas of your home. The 670 model does not include this feature.

Cleaning Features

As far as cleaning features go, the iRobot Roomba e6 and the iRobot Roomba 670 are pretty similar. Both vacuum cleaners feature a 3-Stage Cleaning System that agitates, brushes, and suctions dirt and debris from your floors. The e6 model does have a slightly more powerful motor than the 670, so it may do a slightly better job at agitating and brushing dirt and debris. 

  1. One feature that sets the e6 apart from the 670 is its Edge-Sweeping Brush. This brush is designed to help clean along edges and in tight spaces. The 670 does not have this feature, so it may not do as good of a job at cleaning in those areas.
  2. Another feature that sets the e6 apart from the 670 is its dirt detection sensors. These sensors help the vacuum cleaner identify areas that are especially dirty or need more attention. The 670 does not have this feature, so it may miss some areas that need to be cleaned.

Smart Features 

When it comes to smart features, the iRobot Roomba e6 and the iRobot Roomba 670 are very similar. Both models come with Wi-Fi connectivity, so you can control them from your smartphone or tablet. They also both have built-in sensors that allow them to avoid obstacles and clean effectively.

However, there are a few key differences between the two models. The iRobot Roomba e6 has a higher suction power than the iRobot Roomba 670, so it can clean more effectively. Additionally, the iRobot Roomba e6 comes with a virtual wall that you can use to block off areas that you don’t want the robot to clean.

iRobot Roomba e6

Customization Features 

When it comes to customization, the iRobot Roomba e6 and the iRobot Roomba 670 are very similar. Both devices allow you to set a schedule for when you want the Roomba to clean, and you can also set it to clean only certain rooms or areas of your home. However, there are a few key differences between the two devices.

  1. The iRobot Roomba e6 allows you to create up to three different cleaning schedules. This means that you can have the Roomba clean at different times on different days of the week. The iRobot Roomba 670 only allows you to create one cleaning schedule.
  2. The iRobot Roomba e6 also allows you to customize the amount of suction that the Roomba uses. This is helpful if you have a lot of carpeting in your home and you want to make sure that the Roomba doesn’t damage it. The iRobot Roomba 670 does not allow you to customize the amount of suction.
  3. Finally, the iRobot Roomba e6 comes with an additional virtual wall barrier. This is a small, handheld device that you can use to block off areas that you don’t want the Roomba to clean. The iRobot Roomba 670 does not come with an additional virtual wall barrier.

Mopping Features

The iRobot Roomba e6 is a budget-friendly mopping robot that does a great job at cleaning your floors. It has a built-in water tank and comes with a mopping pad. It also has a dirt detection feature that ensures that your floors are left clean and streak-free.

The iRobot Roomba 670 is a more expensive mopping robot that offers a few more features than the e6. It has a built-in water tank and comes with a mopping pad and a dirt detection feature. It also has a virtual wall feature that allows you to keep it in one room and not have to worry about it going into another.

 iRobot Roomba 670

Which one should you buy?

If you’re trying to decide between the iRobot Roomba e6 and the iRobot Roomba 670, there are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind. Both models offer great cleaning power, but they have some key differences that could make one or the other a better choice for your home.

The iRobot Roomba e6 is the newer model, and it comes with a few upgraded features. It has a more powerful motor than the 670, and it also has a longer battery life. Additionally, the e6 comes with a virtual wall barrier, which can be used to keep it from entering certain areas of your home.

On the other hand, the iRobot Roomba 670 is a bit cheaper than the e6. It doesn’t have all of the same features, but it’s still a very effective vacuum. If you’re looking for a good value, the 670 might be the way to go.

Ultimately, the decision between the iRobot Roomba e6 and the iRobot Roomba 670 comes down to your individual needs. If you need the longest battery life and the most powerful motor, the e6 is the way to go. However, if you’re looking for a more affordable option, the 670 is still a great choice.


The iRobot Roomba e6 is the better choice for those who are looking for a powerful, efficient, and affordable robotic vacuum cleaner. It has many of the same features as the Roomba 670, but it also has a few additional features that make it the better choice.